Electric Motion Motorcycles are the combination of power, adventure and sustainable technology – masterfully manufactured in France and now available in Australia.
Extend your boundaries and discover new horizons with the extreme capabilities of the 2023 range of Electric Motion Trial/Free Ride electric motorcycles. Electric Motion have perfected the mix of performance and power, with technological advancements from their latest technology backed by over a decade of trials in motorcycle competitions.
Built For Exploration
Founded in 2010 in a small town in the French countryside. Electric Motion have been dedicated to developing electric motorcycles that would top international off-road motorcycle competitions. EM has moved from strength to strength in advancing what off-road electric motorcycles are capable of and these incredible trial/free ride machines are now available in Australia.

Electric Motion Australia Importer-
Max Pinto- 0458 439 821
E- electricmotionaustralia@gmail.com
for new EM dealer enquiries
State Dealers of EM bikes-
Western Australia- EM WA
Mark Austin- 0430 301 557
New South Wales- Aus E-Moto
Peter Goddard- 0419 634 948
Queensland- EV Moto
Richard Kent- 0405 631 655

Electric Motion Australia Spare Motorcycle Parts
We stock the spare parts necessary for Electric Motion Trial models to keep you out on the trails and rocks, ready to handle whatever the terrain throws at you.
Electric Motion Australia's technical support knowledge of EM Trial Motorcycles is based on many years of free-riding and competition riding experience on these revolutionary electric machines.